
iphone is a smartphone designed and marketed by Apple Inc. In this phone operating system is Apples's iOS mobile operating systemand that operating systen orginally name as iPhone OS. User interface is built around the device's  multitouch screen and virtual keyboard rather than physical one. Wi Fi system and cellular system like 2G, 3G and 4G including in iPhone.

Bellow activities can be found in iPhone
Shoot video
Take photoes
Play music
Send and receve email
Browse web
send text
receive visual voicemail
GPS navigation
Social network and aney more

The firest iphone was released 2007 september 21 Development was in 2004 by Apple. The 6th Generation iPhone 5  was released on 2012 September 21.  In 2012 january 53% revenue coming from sales of 37 million iPhone according to Apple reported. The Average selling price of iPhone is nearly 600 $. Labor costs are estimated at 12.5 to 30 $ per unit.

Android Operating System

Android is a Linux based mobile operating system. That system designed primarily for touchscreen smartphone and tablet computers.  The first Android Powerded phone was sold in 2008 Octomber.  That system system Initialy developd by Android Inc. and then its perchas By google in 2008.  after that developed and Distributed by Google.

Google play online digital distribution service for Android devices.  As 2012 june, more than 600,000 apps available for Android and estimated numbers of applications downloded from the play Store exceeded 20 billions. It had worldwide smartphone market share of 59% at the begining of  year 2012. there  were 500 million devices activated and 1.3 million activations per day.

Windows 8 operating system

Windows 8 is newly prodused windows operating system for Personal computers, Home and business computers. It prodused by microsoft company.  windows 8 Operating system can be used to all desktops, laptops, Tablets and home theater PC's.

In 2011 annoused by microsoft about this windows operating system and they released 3 pre release versions. they are'

  1. Developer Preview at 2011  september  13
  2. Consumer Preview ar 2012 February  29
  3. Release Preview at  2012 May 31
Also windows 8 graduated from the development stage and it was released to manufacturing at 2012 Auguset 01 and Windows 8 will be relesed for general availability on 2012 Octomber 26.

Global Positioning System (GPS)

Global Positioning System is a space based satallite mavigating system. This system provides location and time impromation. also can be determine weather condition anywhere or near the earth. There is and unobsturucted line of sight four or more GPS satallites. It is maintained by the united States government and is freely accessible to anyone with a GPS recever

Advances technology and new dimands on the existing system have now led to efforts to modernize the GPS system and impliment the next generation of GPS 3 satellites and Next Generation Operational Control System (OCX)

Vessel Monitoring System

Vessel Monitoring System is satellite based globalized Automated two way data communication system that enables the land monitoring station to monitor the movement of the Vessels at sea by means of the current navigational status of the fishing Vessel